Does the name on my ID need to match my name as listed on the voter registration rolls? 

Your name does not need to match the name listed on the voter registration rolls. Poll workers are required to make a determination of whether the voter’s name matches with the list of registered voters in the pollbook. Your name must only be “substantially similar.” 

  • Examples of substantially similar names from the SOS’s website: maiden names (Beyoncé Knowles is similar to Beyoncé Carter), unlisted middle names (Neil Harris is similar to Neil Patrick Harris), middle initials (Lyndon B. Johnson is similar to Lyndon Baines Johnson), customary versions of names (Sam Houston is similar to Samuel Houston, Esperanza Andrade is similar to Hope Andrade), and slightly different names (Marc Cuban is similar to Mark Cuban, Jamie Fox is similar to Jamie Foxx).

If a voter’s name does not match exactly but is substantially similar, the voter must be able to vote, but may have to sign a document stating you are the person that you claim to be. 

If someone is turned away because their name is “not similar,” please report this issue to your Election Judge. Also, you may be eligible to vote using a provisional ballot and cure your ballot at your county elections department to have your vote counted.

Does the gender marker on my ID need to match the gender listed on my voter registration application?

There is no legal requirement for that in Texas law. If a poll worker challenges you on your gender marker, you can immediately call and ask for assistance.

Can a poll worker ask me questions about my medical history to determine whether I am the same person as on the rolls?

A voter is under no obligation to provide confidential medical history to prove their eligibility to vote.

Can I still vote if I don’t look like the picture on my ID anymore?

Yes, you can still vote if you don’t look like the picture on your ID. If your appearance has changed since the image on your photo ID was taken, such that a poll worker cannot confirm that you are the same person in the photo, you may have to cast a provisional ballot. That ballot would be counted once you submit an affidavit confirming your identity.